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Juventus president scared about the future of the Italian football 

Juventus president scared about the future of the Italian football


Andrea Angeli, president of Juventus, expressed concerns about the future o thef Italian football. According to him, it's needed a drastic reform that will affect all clubs in Italy and the country's national teams.

Italy played in the final of the Euro 2012, but the club teams in the country haven't significant achievements in the Champions League over the last two seasons.

"We have to ask what will happen to football in the country in the coming years. Many of the nations have gained the experience and grow, but we are in collapse. Our entire system is in a difficult situation. The situation can not be explained solely by financial crisis. The football evolves, but not in Italy. This can prove fatal one day, "said Angeli, who is one of the largest shareholders in Juventus.

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