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England is ready to host the World Cup 2022 

England is ready to host the World Cup 2022


England may adopt the FIFA World Cup in 2022 and, if it be withdrawn from Qatar. This was stated by Minister of culture, sports and media of the United Kingdom John Whittingdale was quoted by Sky Sports.
On Tuewsday Sepp Blatter announced that he resigned from the post of FIFA President, scandals, arrests, and her bank excesses leading up warrants for the extradition of prominent functionaries of the plant or any modifications.
'We'll wait to see the results of the investigation. If there is evidence that the election process was dirty, we think that the right thing is to have a new election. We will include in the new selection, and I think we're ready to face the World Cup in 2022, commented Whittingdale. England was leading a soccer force, who worked for the creation of corrupt practices in the choice of Qatar to host the World Championships, including the induction of verification of compliance with human rights.

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