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The head of the Brazilian football is preparing his defence 

The head of the Brazilian football is preparing his defence


The President of the Brazilian Football Confederation (KBF) Marco Polo del Nero announced that he is going to use a permanent break to prepare his defence against charges of corruption, which were made by the Prosecutor of the United States. Del Nero, who is also a member of the Executives of FIFA, as well as his predecessor, Ricardo Teixeira, were arrested yesterday, with other 14 senior football managers as participants in the corruption scandal in the world football organisation.
It was clear also that the problems of Del Nero are mainly caused by recent date by now are investigating contracts by 2014, with which he afforded the right of persons and companies carry out some illegal actions during the World Cup in Brazil.
After 27 May this year, when there was another scandal, Del Nero stopped attending meetings of the Executives of FIFA. In addition, two former Presidents of the KBF are in the list of persons under investigation and approval by a prosecutor, Maria Teixeira, Jose Marin, also President of ever Brazilian Football Confederation.

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