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Niki Mihaylov: Running groups 

Niki Mihaylov: Running groups


Bulgarian national Nikolay Mihaylov was a major contribution to the historic victory of FC Twente with 2:0 against Werder Bremen as a guest. This was the first success for the Dutch champions in most commercial tournament in Europe. Brilliant Mihaylov straight game preserve network dry and Dutch media tore him praise. TV goalkeeper to the club said he is extremely pleased with the victory, reveals the "Standard".

"It was an incredibly exciting game. The game was very dynamic. Both teams had good chances. But we were more concentrated and this made the difference," said Mikhailov happiest.

"We were well prepared for this visit. We knew how and where to strike blow for Bremen, we did it. Red card Torsten Frings helped us. So open up more space on the pitch and we were more easily zaigraem our way" he added. Frings was sent off in 76 th min, then dropped both goals in the door of Werder Bremen.

"This is a great success. I'm sure our fans are very happy. With this win again regained their chances to overcome the group. I am optimistic and I think will emerge from it. In every game we go out to win. After the sixth game play will see where we qualified, "commented Bulgarian national.

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