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ABA finals in the women tomorrow 

ABA finals in the women tomorrow


On Thursday evening from 22.00 hours will be playing the final game of the amateur league for women. In ABA finals will take place in the training room and a 4-kilometer. Before that will play and match 3 / 4 place. The final match will be televised live on the Internet.

By reaching the title match for the teams of Remax and The College of Economics and Management. Both teams won their semifinal series with a 2-1 defeat and a meeting will determine the first winner in the ABA - women.

For bronze medals even teams will play at Old Stars and Balkan Ladies.

Special prizes for the finalists will be from Eurolease charges, taxi company will give out vouchers. Sporting bet and Molt also have also prepared the surprises in last night's season amatyorki women.

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