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Poles are amazed: No such team as a Locomotive 

Poles are amazed: No such team as a Locomotive


Lokomotiv (Sofia) brought a fine by UEFA for his Polish rival Shlyonsk. Both teams go into today Wroclaw in the first game.

As hosts Rules must be submitted three days prior to evrotsentralata plan for conducting the game with hours of arrival, training, rezpredelenie fans in the stands.

"A strange team Lokomotiv we have not seen. We are looking for them every detail, but no one with whom to contact. How do send a report of UEFA," is upset Cornell, director Shlyonsk.

"First said 100 tickets have reduced them to 50, do not know how many fans come. The interest of Bulgarian media is zero. It is accredited only one journalist," complained another head of Poles.

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