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Stoicho: CSKA is used to beat teams like Steaua 

Stoicho: CSKA is used to beat teams like Steaua


Former coach of CSKA Stoycho Mladenov predicted triumph for "red" in the League. Thursday Steaua CSKA playing together with a playoff game for entry into the group stage of the tournament.

"I expect to eliminate Steaua. The final outcome of the clash with the Romanians will be decided in the first match. This tournament is a battle in which you have to play until the last minute of the second leg," said Stoicho to "Theme: Sports."

"Even in Romania, however, must take the maximum. Phytes, a victory would be the best. In such matches is very important what is the strategy. CSKA should not get naked in Romania. This is the key.

Recent years Steaua things are not good. Once you are finished fifth in the standings last season, then have trouble "trying to help remove red Mladenov.

"This place speaks eloquently of the state as a whole, one of European clubs. But you have a great player in the face of Valio Iliev. Unfortunately, will play the other side. CSKA is used to overcome and eliminate these teams. So there is surprised if we are in UEFA Cup groups, rather than the Romanians. CSKA is a tournament fighter and will continue ", I was the executioner of Liverpool.

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