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Fifth edition of the Cup Vivacom 

Fifth edition of the Cup Vivacom


In 2011 the fifth edition of the prestigious state of streetball championships VIVACOM and Bulgarian Basketball Federation will delight his numerous fans in 8 Bulgarian towns. New this year is that all ages will be able to compete in the tournament. Organizers foresee great interest from fans of street basketball and expect no less than 3000 people to participate.

Streetball National Championship is held with the support of VIVACOM for five years and is one of the largest and most sustainable projects under the umbrella of VIVACOM Fund. "This project is important to us as a priority for the company is not only the development of professional sport in Bulgaria and physical education and health of Bulgarian children," said Adriana Mihailova, Counsellor corporate events and sponsorships for the company.

"Streetball Cup" is one of the few sporting events that take place in the center of the larger Bulgarian cities and everyone can participate, "she said.

This year's race for the title of National Champion Streetball will be held in Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Stara Zagora, Varna, Bourgas, Rousse, Pleven and Montana. The finale, as always, will be held in Sofia, and ranked the first, second and third place in the regional championships will be awarded by VIVACOM.
Forces will compete in the championship participants from four age groups:

12 years / born after 31.12.1998 /

15 years / born after 31.12.1995 /

to 18 years / born after 31.12.1993 /

over 18 years

The first round of this year's VIVACOM Streetball Cup will be held on Saturday, June 18, the pylon before the NPC than 10 hours e16 hours in Sofia. All teams will consist of 3 players. Meetings in regional tournaments will continue to scores 10 points or the end of 10 minutes. Teams The top three places in regional and in the final tournament will receive medals and prizes. In each age group will be chosen MVP (most valuable player), which will be awarded a special prize. Enrollment for participation will be done before the start of the tournament in each city.

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