Bury temporarily renounced the Swiss national team

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today Bury temporarily renounced the Swiss national team Goalkeeper Roman Buryk, who keeps the Bundesliga leader Borussia (Dortmund), has been relegated to Switzerland`s national team for a certain period of time as he wants to focus on matches in his club as our team has predicted yesterday. 28-year-old Bury said in a statement in Dortmund that he has decided to freeze his career in the national team for at least one year. The winger has only 9 matches predicted by soccer livescore for Switzerland, and is usually number 2 after Jan Sommer from Borussia (Monchengladbach).

He was part of the World Championships in 2014 in Brazil and in 2018 in Russia as well as Euro 2016 and if you remember our soccer predictions for that championship were very good. `It has always been a matter of heartfelt desire to present my country and also a great honor. I`m left out of the team for about a year not targeted against the federation, my team or my teammates, it`s just in favor of the club and my health, `said Bury. at least five young and promising Swiss goalkeepers to train and play for the team, but no passto announce that it is ready to respond in case of dire need. Federer was named the best goalkeeper in the first part of the season in the Bundesliga in a poll of Kicker. His team is six points ahead before the start of spring games.